The Untamed Natural Beauty of a Backwoods Cigar! Are they made in the Dominican Republic or rolled by a cowboy in the wild west? The truth is, they are meticulously crafted in the Dominican Republic using premium tobacco that has been aged for a minimum of 12 months. This aging process enhances the natural sweetness of the leaves before they are infused with a subtle sweet flavoring.
Introduced nationally in 1981, Backwoods cigars quickly became an overnight sensation. Their distinctive appearance, aptly named “WILD & MILD,” with its frayed end, tapered body, and unfinished head, captivated cigar enthusiasts.
In contrast, many modern cigars are meticulously rolled to achieve a highly refined and precise shape, which can sometimes result in uneven tobacco distribution across the cigar. Backwoods cigars, on the other hand, are rolled with a loose and even pressure, giving them a rustic look. However, this unique rolling technique ensures that the cigar draws effortlessly and evenly, packing a robust and flavorful punch.
What truly sets Backwoods apart is their exceptional style, taste, aroma, and packaging. These factors have made Backwoods the undisputed leader in the global market for all-natural cigars.