For cigar enthusiasts and those who appreciate the finer things in life, nothing conveys appreciation, congratulations, or gratitude like the gift of a beautiful box of cigars. Discover our curated selection of premium cigars in elegant packaging from some of the most respected brands.
Find the perfect cigar gift boxes for deserving family members, friends, colleagues, and clients at the Black Swan Shoppe.
An ideal gift for cigar lovers, our cigar gift boxes provide a luxurious sampling of fine cigars. Few who receive these gifts would deny that the unboxing experience is refined and memorable. Here at the Black Swan Shoppe, you’ll have no trouble finding the ultimate cigar presents for special occasions, celebrations, or simply to explore the world of premium cigars.
We’ve sourced cigar gift boxes from iconic brands such as La Invicta, Vegafina, Roman Allones, Juan Lopez Seleccion, Montecristo, and Romeo y Julieta. Whether you’re shopping for yourself, a new or potential cigar smoker, or an aficionado, you’ll find gift boxes of cigars to suit all preferences.
Some of our gifts for cigar lovers are boxes that can take them on a journey around the world of superior-quality cigars. These boxes feature a variety of cigar types, flavour profiles, and sizes that the recipient can explore at their leisure.
For example, the limited-edition J Cortes Corona 3 Terroirs Gift Box showcases trios of expertly crafted cigars, each embodying the unique qualities of three tobacco-growing regions: the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Sumatra. The Habanos Seleccion Piramides Cuban Cigar Selection features six premium torpedo cigars from H. Upmann, Romeo y Julieta, Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas, and Hoyo De Monterrey.
We also stock cigar gift boxes that include accessories, adding something extra special to an already impressive present. You’ll find stylish gift boxes containing hand-rolled premium cigars and a durable cigar cutter, such as the La Invicta Nicaraguan Canon Gift Box.
If you’re looking for gifts for cigar lovers, you’ve come to the right place. Find desirable cigar gift boxes and more at the Black Swan Shoppe.
If you’re not a cigar smoker yourself, you might be wondering how to choose the right gift for a cigar lover. Start by considering the recipient’s experience. If they’re new to cigars and aren’t familiar with the differences between Cuban, Honduran, and other cigars, consider getting them a gift box that showcases cigars from different countries or terroirs or includes an accessory such as a cigar cutter.
Gift shopping for an aficionado requires more thought. Knowing what type of cigar the recipient prefers, whether it’s a specific brand, from a particular country, or a certain strength, is a good starting point for finding the perfect gift. If you aren’t too sure and don’t want to give them any hints about the nature of the gift by asking cigar-related questions, you can consider purchasing a box that includes a variety of cigars from premium brands or that comes in a stylish humidor.
The Black Swan Shoppe makes gift shopping easy. Turn to us for the finest cigar gifts.
Standard wooden gift boxes are fine for storing cigars for short periods of time, but we don’t recommend using them as you would a humidor. If the box is made of Cedar and there is space to add a humidification product such as a Boveda pouch then this will make the box as effective as a humidor. It’s best to purchase a humidor or cigar case to store cigars for longer periods as they tend to be designed to allow airflow and help the ageing process.
Our gift boxes contain predetermined selections of cigars. If you want to have more control over which cigars are included in your gift, you can purchase several single cigars and a humidor or other packaging to create a customised gift box. Alternatively please contact us, we have an array of empty Cigar boxes and can put a selection together for you.
For someone new to smoking cigars, consider a cigar gift box that includes cigars and a cutter or offers a sampling of cigars from different brands or countries.
If you’re purchasing a gift for an experienced cigar smoker, consider a box of cigars from their favourite brand, a box with a selection of cigars from various top brands, or a gift box with a useful accessory, such as a humidor.