A single loose, Juan Lopez Seleccion No.2 cigar in a premium Wooden Gift Box!
Juan Lopez Cigars Juan Lopez was established in the 1870's in Havana Cuba. Well known for using high-quality tobacco and skilled hand-rolling techniques, the brand gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts for their consistent quality and distinct flavour. After the Cuban revolution in 1959, the Cuban government took control over the cigar industry and the Juan Lopez brand, like many others, became a state-owned enterprise under the control of Cubatabaco. Over the years, Juan Lopez continued to expand its product line, offering a variety of sizes and blends to cater for the market. In addition to the Cuban-made cigars, there are also non-Cuban versions of Juan Lopez cigars produced in the Dominican Republic and other cigar-producing regions. These cigars aim to capture the essence of the Cuban originals while being accessible to a wider market due to the Cuban embargo.
Seleccion No.2 The Seleccion No.2 is a Robusto vitola that features a specially selected blend of Cuban grown tobaccos. This Medium to Full strength cigar is loaded with rich and complex flavours of cedar and earthy spice with an overall subtle sweetness. The special aging process used for these cigars contribute to its depth of flavour and overall smoothness.
Please note the Juan Lopez cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.