An exceptional Leather Cigar Case containing three Montecristo Open Eagle Cuban Cigars:
Montecristo Cigars:
Synonymous with premium quality, Montecristo cigars are celebrated for their balanced flavor profiles and consistent construction. The Open series, including the Eagle, was crafted for cigar enthusiasts seeking a lighter yet distinctive Montecristo experience, with flavors accessible to new smokers while satisfying the seasoned aficionado.
Montecristo Open Eagle Cuban Cigars:
A robusto extra, the Open Eagle offers a medium strength that reveals notes of wood, cedar, and subtle spices, evolving with undertones of leather and a slight creaminess. This cigar provides a mellow yet complex smoke, perfect for relaxed moments and pairing with light spirits.
Leather Presentation Case:
The Open Eagle cigars are elegantly housed in a luxurious leather case crafted with fine-grade, branded leather and finished to the highest standard. The sturdy and stylish case ensures long-lasting durability and is ideal for transporting cigars while maintaining their quality. As the case is unsealed, a humidor is recommended for long-term storage.
Please note that the Montecristo Open Eagle Cuban cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.