A bundle of 25 Cellophane Wrapped Hand Rolled Honduran Cigars:
La Invicta Honduran: There have been many hand rolled Cigars introduced to the UK in the last few years to appeal to the budget conscious smoker as we simply can't all afford a Cuban. From what we've heard so far La Invicta are going to steal the show with their new and improved range. The La Invicta Honduran contains a blend of Honduras and Dominican leaves for the filler with a Connecticut Broadleaf for the binder before finishing with a sublime Connecticut seed grown in Ecuador for a lovely complex and smooth flavour never tasted in a Cigar of this price before. The mild to Medium flavour should make these Cigars enjoyable by novice and experienced Cigar smokers on any occasion.
Individually Cellophane Wrapped: The La Invicta Loose range of cigars are individually cellophane wrapped. Here at The Black Swan Shoppe Specialist Tobacconists we buy the La Invicta in wrapped bundles of 25 with each Cigar individually wrapped in Cellophane. The bundles of 25 will keep for many months if kept in a dark cool place and the outer wrapper isn't broken. Once the wrapper has been broken the individual cellophane wrapper will keep the cigar fresh for a good few weeks if kept in a dark cool place without the need for a humidor. If you have a humidor we would recommend removing all the cellophane wrappers and storing them loose in humidor.
Preparation: Please note the La Invicta are a hand rolled Cigar and therefore require cutting before the cigar can be enjoyed.