A cellophane wrapped bundle of 10 hand rolled Nicaraguan cigars
Rocky Patel Seed to Smoke The Rocky Patel Seed to Smoke Classic Maduro Toro is a premium cigar that is hand-rolled in Honduras using a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos. The cigar has a dark and silky Honduran Maduro wrapper that gives it a rich and smooth flavor with notes of wood, cedar, and spice. The cigar is a Cuban-sandwich style, meaning that it uses short filler tobacco along with a whole-leaf wrapper and binder. This makes it a great value for money, as it delivers the quality and taste of a Rocky Patel cigar at an affordable price. The cigar is 6 inches long with a ring gauge of 52, and it offers a medium-bodied smoking experience that lasts for about 75 minutes. The Rocky Patel Seed to Smoke Classic Maduro Toro is a cigar that is ideal for any occasion, whether you want to enjoy it with a cup of coffee, a glass of whisky, or just relax with a good book.
Cellophane Wrapped Cigars: The Rocky Patel Seed to Smoke Cigars come individually wrapped. The cigars will stay fresh and ready to smoke for a while without the need for a humidor if kept in a dark cool place. If storing for longer than a week a humidor would be recommended.
Please note the Rocky Patel White Label require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed!