navigate_before Henri Wintermans & Signature (Cafe Creme Cigars)

Signature Blue (Formerly Cafe Creme Smooth) (Tin of 20 Cigars)

Select the size you want:

  • Length: 78mm
  • Diameter: 8mm
  • Flavour: Mild

The instantly recognisable tin contains 20 Signature miniatures blue smooth cigars (formerly Cafe Creme light), perfect for those in between moments.

Henri Wintermans produces the Signature Blue Cigars using a blend of Brazilian, Colombian, Dominican, and Java leaves, then wraps them in a bright Ecuadorian leaf.

Many smokers have enjoyed a Cafe Creme at some point in their lives.

Unlike regular cigars, the Signature cigars don’t require cutting and can be enjoyed straight out of the pack.

Most Popular in European Cigars