A Branded Cedar box containing 25 Montecristo No 1 Cuban Cigars!
Montecristo cigars are by far the most popular cigar in our humidors. The consistent high quality, unique tobacco blend and renowned complex flavours entice avid smokers back for a Montecristo time and time again.
The Montecristo number one cigars have a nice appearance with an oily sheen to it. The cigar starts off with a light floral taste, progresses to leather, cocoa with a slight hint of chocolate and ends earthy with a hint of spice. The light sweet floral aroma given by the cigar is very pleasant. The ash produced is medium to dark grey and very firm. The No 1 is a large cigar with a medium ring gauge. Expect a long and fairly intense smoke. If you are not used to premium cigars we would suggest a smaller or lighter bodied cigar.
Loose Boxed: When Montecristo package their cigars in 10's and 25's they are packaged loose in a Cedar lined box. This helps the cigars to develop and flavours to diffuse. They are stored in our humidors until dispatch and ideally should be transferred directly into a humidor. If you are buying them for a special occasion they should keep for up to a week in a cool, dark place.
Please note the Montecristo cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.