La Flor Dominicana La Flor Dominicana was founded in 1996 in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Their commitment to quality and consistency has placed them among the most prestigious premium cigar brands in the world. Over the years they have developed a portfolio of quality blends, shapes, and sizes which fulfill the ever-changing needs of today’s cigar smokers. Their well-known consistency is possible because they personally supervise every stage of their production; from farming our tobacco at their farm in La Canela, to the art of manufacturing in their modern factory.
La Flor Dominicana Chiselito Double Ligero La Flor Dominicana Chiselito Double Ligero cigars were introduced in 2003 using a powerful blend of Dominican longfiller and binder leaves finished in silky Ecuadorian wrappers that shimmer with a dark and oily patina. Among the many shapes is the outstanding-rated Chisel, featuring a wedge-shaped head, handcrafted in a dark natural wrapper leaf. Flavors of wood and coffee bean dominate with sweet notes on a long, spicy finish. In a word: Awesome!
Cellophane Wrapped Cigars: The La Flor Dominicana Cigars come individually wrapped. The cigars will stay fresh and ready to smoke for a while without the need for a humidor if kept in a dark cool place. If storing for longer than a week a humidor would be recommended.
Preperation Please note the La Flor Dominicana Cigars are a premium hand rolled Cigar and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed!