< Dominican Hand Rolled Cigars

La Flor Dominicana Cigars

La Flor Dominicana is a distinguished cigar brand known for its bold, innovative blends and dedication to quality. Established in the Dominican Republic by Litto Gomez, La Flor Dominicana cigars are crafted using meticulously selected, estate-grown tobaccos from their own farm, La Canela. The brand offers a diverse range of cigars, often featuring rich, full-bodied profiles that have become a favorite among seasoned smokers. With expertly constructed cigars, they deliver complex flavors, including notes of spice, earth, leather, and coffee. Known for pushing the boundaries of cigar-making, La Flor Dominicana produces unique shapes like the chisel and uses diverse tobaccos, including their renowned Ligero leaves, for an intense smoking experience. Each cigar embodies the brand’s commitment to artistry, innovation, and the authentic Dominican cigar tradition.