A single hand rolled Dominican cigar in a cardboard tube
Kristoff Cigars Glen Case founded Kristoff cigars back in 2004 and the company has quickly become well-known worldwide for making some of the best cigars in the business. The three pillars of Kristoff are availability, consistency and quality. Only the very best double and triple-fermented premium tobaccos from across the world are used, and they are expertly blended to please even the pickiest cigar connoisseur. Their cigars are produced utilising the "entubar" bunching method, which dates back hundreds of years. This deft bunching technique produces a cigar that is more tightly packed, allowing air to pass between all the leaves and deliver more flavour and aroma to the palate. Afterwards, each cigar is individually drawn tested to confirm that it is well-constructed and consistently produces a great draw.
Kristoff Corojo Limitada is a medium to full-bodied cigar that features a Nicaraguan Corojo Habano wrapper, a Nicaraguan Habano binder, and Cuban-seed Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. The cigar has a pigtail cap and a closed foot, giving it a traditional and elegant appearance. The cigar delivers a smooth and satisfying smoking experience, with spicy and sweet flavors of nutmeg, toasted nuts, cedar, and pepper. The cigar comes in a protective tube, making it convenient to store and carry. The Kristoff Corojo Limitada Tubed is a cigar that combines quality and tradition, with a rich and complex taste
Loose boxed: The Kristoff Pistoff Cigars are packaged individually in wooden boxes. The cigars are kept in our humidors until dispatch and preferably should be stored in a humidor as soon as you receive them. If you are planning on smoking them within a couple of weeks the cigars should be okay as long as they are kept sealed in a cool dark place.
Preparation: Please note the Kristoff cigars are hand rolled cigars and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.