Chinchalero Nicaraguan Cigars: Chinchalero is a true original, hand rolled, quality Cigar with a smooth, light and Moorish flavour instantly recognisable by it's rustic packaging and traditional styling. Chinchalero cigars are hand made with quality matured all natural Nicaraguan and Honduran filler leaves before finishing with a hand selected Ecuador shade wrapper. The Chinchalero Cigars are very reasonably priced and you will not find better Hand Rolled Cigars for the money, in fact at this price they even give Machine rolled Cigars a run for their money.
Original Esportivo Cigars: At its core, the Chinchalero Original Esportivo features an exquisite blend of premium tobaccos sourced from diverse regions. The filler combines the finest Nicaraguan and Honduran leaves, carefully chosen to create a symphony of flavours that dance on your palate. A meticulously selected binder harmoniously binds these exceptional fillers, ensuring a flawless burn and a smooth, even draw from the first puff to the last.
Hand Rolled Cigars: The added quality a cigar beholds from being hand rolled by an experienced Cigar Roller cannot. Each cigar is rolled to the same density with full length filler (leaves), providing the perfect draw and ash build up, which cannot be matched by a machine.
Preparation: Please note the Chinchalero Cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.