< Nicaraguan Hand Rolled Cigars

A J Fernandez Cigars

A.J. Fernandez cigars are celebrated for their bold flavors, exceptional craftsmanship, and innovative blending, making them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts. Handcrafted in Estelí, Nicaragua, A.J. Fernandez cigars utilize some of the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos, often grown on the Fernandez family’s own farms. Known for creating complex and full-bodied cigars, A.J. Fernandez incorporates a variety of premium wrappers such as Habano, San Andrés Maduro, and Connecticut Broadleaf, resulting in diverse flavor profiles. Smokers can expect rich notes ranging from earthy spice, pepper, and leather to cocoa, coffee, and hints of sweetness, depending on the blend. With popular lines like **New World**, **Enclave**, **San Lotano**, and **Bellas Artes**, A.J. Fernandez cigars offer something for every palate, from the novice to the seasoned aficionado. Each cigar is meticulously constructed to ensure an even burn, smooth draw, and a satisfying, memorable smoking experience that reflects A.J. Fernandez's dedication to the art of premium cigar making.