Yagua cigars are a unique and rustic offering that pay homage to traditional cigar-making methods in Cuba. Crafted in Nicaragua by J.C. Newman, these cigars feature an unconventional process that sets them apart. After rolling, each cigar is wrapped tightly in a moist Yagua palm leaf, which creates a natural press and gives each cigar a slightly irregular shape as it cures. This old-world technique results in a medium to full-bodied smoke with a rich, complex flavor profile.

Wrapped in a dark, oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and filled with premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, Yagua cigars deliver a blend of earthy notes, cocoa, coffee, and a subtle sweetness, with hints of spice that develop throughout the smoke. The construction ensures a smooth draw and an unpredictable yet enjoyable burn, adding to its rustic charm. Ideal for enthusiasts seeking a traditional yet adventurous experience, Yagua cigars capture the essence of cigar-making heritage with a unique twist that offers both flavor and history in every puff.