These cigars has now been discontinued, we have left the listing here for historical reference and interest
A single cellophane wrapped Cigar presented in a branded aluminium tube!
Vasco Da Gama Cigars: Vasco Da Gama is produced by the world renowned Arnold Andre Cigar company in Bunde, Germany who have been making Cigars since 1817. Vasco da Gama is one of their strongest brands that are very well received in every country they are sold as some of the finest machine rolled Cigars available. The difference comes from using finer tobaccos and special ageing processes which are rare for machine made Cigars.
Vasco Da Gama Port Flavoured Corona: A raw Vasco da Gama cigar is already in itself a superb cigar rolled using some of the finest tobacco leaves that Java, Cuba, and the Dominican have to offer wrapped in a Brazilian Matafina wrapper. The Vasco Da Gama Port are put through a unique ageing process in a Port ageing cellar where the Brazilian wrapper takes on the rich velvety bouquet of fruity aromas from the Rozes reserve port. This provides a complex and wonderfully velvety flavour which balances perfectly with the excellent Vasco Da Gama Cigar.
With great respect to the greatest sailor in history that Vasco Da Game are named after, Arnold Andre go the extra mile with this range of Cigars. They venture where no other machine made manufacturer dares explore. The efforts are well rewarded with excellent Cigars that rival Hand rolled cigars for complexity and character.
Aluminium Tube: The Vasco Da Gama Tubos range are cellophane wrapped and supplied in an Aluminium tube ensuring the Cigar is well protected and will not dry out or lose flavour. The Cigar should last for years without any noticeable difference as long as it is not left in excessively dry or hot conditions.
Preparation: The Vasco Da Gama do not require cutting and can be smoked straight from the box.