These cigars are no longer available in the U.K. We have left them on the website for historical reasons.
A single loose, Santa Damiana Robusto Cigar, which has been hand rolled using the finest Dominican leaves and finished with a flawless Connecticut wrapper.
The Santa Damiana are a comfortable Dominican cigar renowned for their easy going, creamy texture, which still manage to boast ample flavours of rich chocolate and sweet cedar. Lighting the cigar is straight forward and the draw is gentle and easy. Santa Damiana are great for those with little experience of Premium cigars yet are still enjoyed by the connoisseurs.
The Santa Damiana Robusto is not an overly long Cigar but the hefty gauge should be approached with caution by the novice cigar smoker. This hefty guage gives a more intense smoke without the time commitment of a Churchill, yet has more tobacco content. If you enjoy a substantial draw but still thrive for that creaminess a Robusto may just be the cigar for you. If you want a gentle progressing smoke over an evening we would recommend a smaller ring gauge.
Loose: The Santa Damiana Robusto are usually packaged loose, in boxes of 25's. We will mail a single cigar in a cardboard box surrounded by protective packaging. The cigar should be enjoyed within a couple of days or kept in a humidor to ensure its condition and the smokers enjoyment.
Please note the Santa Damiana Cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed!