Romeo Y Julieta: The award winning Cuban cigars signified by the numerous Gold medals displayed within the Romeo Logo. The Romeo Y Julieta Cigars are a Medium Strength very high quality Cuban cigar. The strength is manageable my most levels of cigar smokers with complex flavours and sheer quality construction, which will excite even the most discerning of Cigar smokers.
Romeo Julieta Short Churchill Cigars: The Romeo Y Julieta is one of the most recognisable and most frequently enjoyed Cigars by experienced and less experienced smokers. We wouldn't recommend a Cigar of this size to a total novice but they make a great Cigar for a smoker who enjoys premium Cigars and is looking to treat themselves to a longer smoke with good complex flavours without being too intense.
Individually tubed: This Cigar is supplied in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Please note the Romeo Y Julieta Short Churchill cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.