Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on our website for historical reference and interest.
An absolutely stunning Leather Cigar case containing three Romeo y Julieta Exhibicion No.4 Cuban Cigars:
Romeo y Julieta Cigars: The award winning Cuban cigars signified by the numerous Gold medals displayed within the Romeo Logo. The Romeo Y Julieta Cigars are a Medium Strength very high quality Cuban cigar. The strength is manageable my most levels of cigar smokers with complex flavours and sheer quality construction, which will excite even the most discerning of Cigar smokers.
Romeo y Julieta Exhibicion No.4 Cuban Cigars: A classical Robusto that is slightly smaller than the Short Churchill. Offering a clever and complex sweet and savoury smoke. Flavours of Wood and earthy floral notes develop into chocolate, coffee, leather and peaty flavours.
Leather Presentation Case: The Exhibicion No.4 have been selected for this special 2019 presentation gift set. As you would expect for such a prestigious Cigar the Case has been crafted from a very high quality grade of leather and has been finished to the highest of standards. It is thick and sturdy and should last a lifetime! The Leather Case is not sealed so if you are planning on storing the Cigars for more than a couple of evenings we would recommend storing the Cigars in a humidor.
Preparation: Please note the Romeo y Julieta Cuban cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.