Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.
A deluxe cedar lined box containing 20 of the finest Rocky Patel Robusto Cigars. Cigar Magazines 1st ever 95* rating making the Decade an instant classic.
Rocky Patel Decade The Decade was developed to mark Rocky’s ten years in the cigar business and they have made the mark with Cigar magazines highest rating to date. The Decade features a highly secretive blend of premium tobaccos sourced from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Ecuador producing rich flavours of Leather and wood which a contrasting nutty edge. The Decade Robusto is a medium to full strength cigar with a significant ring guage, which will provide any experienced smoker with an intense satisfying and flavoursome smoke to the last draw but a less experienced smoker may find it too much and we would suggest sampling a Rocky Patel Vintage if you do not have much experience of premium cigars
Cellophane Wrapped Cigars: The Rocky Patel Decade Cigars come individually wrapped. The cigars will stay fresh and ready to smoke for a while without the need for a humidor if kept in a dark cool place. If storing for longer than a week a humidor would be recommended.
Please note the Rocky Patel Decade require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed!