A single Cuban Cigar presented in an Aluminium Tube:
Quintero Cuban Cigars: Quintero is a fairly new addition to the UK Cuban Cigar Market but their roots can be traced back to 1924. The brand had concentrated on being a budget friendly machine made offering for passionate Cuban cigar fans who cannot justify the price tag of a premium hand rolled cigar. However in 2002 Habanos SA who control the Cuban Cigar production decided that they wanted to move all Cuban Cigars away from machine made as it was felt that this distracted from the reputation of Cuban Cigars. It was therefore decided to revamp this iconic brand by altering the manufacturing process to a hand rolled Cigar but using a short filler over long filler which has kept the flavour, price and style of the brand whilst improving the smoking experience. They are a perfect introduction to Cuban Cigars providing a mild to medium bodied smoke with a sweeter aftertaste.
Storage: The Quintero Cigars are supplied loose in an airtight protective aluminium tube ensuring the Cigar is well protected and will not dry out or lose flavour. The Cigar should last for years in the tube as long as it is not stored in direct sunlight or excessive heat.
Preparation: The Quintero are a hand rolled Cigar which require cutting before the Cigar can be enjoyed.