Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.
Punch Cigars: Since 1840 Punch have been producing some of the finest and most regarded Cigars in the world and helped secure Cubas reputation for the finest Cigars in the world. The punch brand is extremely popular in the UK as the flavour suits the British pallet. The punch Churchill was named after Sir Winston Churchill after a visit to the factory to see his favourite Cigars being rolled.
Punch Punch Cigars: The Punch Punch is a good sized Cigar, with a Smooth draw and creamy complex flavours. A very popular Cigar which can be enjoyed by the less experienced while still giving plenty of flavour and punch (see what we did there) to the more experienced Cigar smoker.
Individually tubed: This Cigar is supplied in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Preparation Please note the Punch Punch cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.