It is with deep regret that we announce this Cigar delisted from the UK Habanos portfolio. Out of respect to this iconic Cigar we have left the listing on our website for historical reference and interest.
A branded cedar box containing 25 Cuban cigars preserved in individual aluminium storage tubes!
Punch Cigars: Punch is one of the all time classic Cuban cigar brands that have been hand rolled in Cuba since 1840 and are still considered to be one of the finest Cigars worldwide. The brand was originally marketed towards the European smokers and such was named after the famous European puppet show. The Cigars went down a storm and the quality and unique character of these premium hand rolled Cigars gained the brand worldwide appreciation.
Today the Punch Cigars remain at the forefront of Cuban Cigar rolling as their distinct and complex flavour keep cigar connoisseurs reaching for a Punch time and time again. The draw is smooth and the strength Medium which ensures they pack plenty of flavoursome punch but can be enjoyed by the less experienced.
Punch Churchill Cigars: The Punch Churchill is a very dominant Cigar which packs a punch in flavour, size and satisfaction. It is a well balanced easy smoking Cigar with smooth and complex flavours coming from clouds of white smoke. This is one of those Cigars that is saved for special occasions in many humidors when the time is right and time allows. Given the size and strength we wouldn't recommend them for the total novice but any experienced smoker will enjoy a Punch
Cigar Storage: The Punch Tubos range of cigars are individually packaged in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Preparation: Please note the Punch cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.