A Single Loose Hand Rolled Cuban Cigar
La Casa del Habanos La Casa del Habano is a worldwide network of premium cigar shops that specialize in selling authentic Cuban cigars. The first La Casa del Habano shop was opened in Cancun, Mexico, in 1990, and since then, the brand has expanded to over 150 stores in more than 70 countries. These shops are the official franchise of Habanos SA, the state-owned company that controls the production and distribution of Cuban cigars. As such, they offer a wide selection of premium cigars, including rare and limited edition releases, as well as exclusive cigars that are only available through La Casa del Habano shops. Overall, La Casa del Habano shops are considered the ultimate destination for cigar enthusiasts who seek the finest and most authentic Cuban cigars. They offer a unique and personalized shopping experience, a vast selection of premium cigars, and an ambiance that reflects the rich history and culture of Cuban cigar-making.
Por Larranaga Cuban Cigars: Por Larranaga was founded in 1834 by Ignacio Larranaga, a Spanish immigrant who came to Havana in 1825. By the end of the 19th century Por Larranaga had become a well known premium cigar brand. In 1925 Por Larranaga had become the first factory to produce machine made cigars, this resulted in strikes and boycotts by the cigar rollers and they were forced to return the machines.
Por Larranaga 47 The Por Larrañaga 47 is a masterpiece that showcases the brand's commitment to excellence. This cigar is a true embodiment of the brand's heritage and expertise. Crafted with precision and care, each PL47 cigar is a work of art that reflects the brand's dedication to quality. These cigars are known for their distinct flavor profile and smooth, well-balanced smoke. The blend of carefully selected tobacco leaves offers a delightful combination of flavours, with notes of earthy richness, hints of sweetness, and a subtle spiciness that develops as you savor each puff. The construction of the Por Larrañaga 47 is flawless, featuring a beautifully rolled wrapper that adds to the aesthetic appeal. The draw is smooth and consistent, ensuring a satisfying smoking experience. Por Larrañaga's commitment to maintaining the highest standards in their cigar production is evident in the Por Larrañaga 47. Whether you're enjoying one during a special occasion or simply indulging in a moment of relaxation, these cigars offer an experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression. In summary, the Por Larrañaga 47 is a testament to the brand's legacy and a testament to the art of cigar craftsmanship. From its exquisite flavour profile to its flawless construction, this cigar embodies the essence of Por Larrañaga's dedication to quality, making it a sought-after choice for cigar enthusiasts seeking a refined and memorable smoking experience.
Storage: The Por Larranaga Cigars are packaged loose in a branded Box. The cigars are kept in our humidors until dispatch and preferably should be stored in a humidor as soon as you receive them. If you are planning on smoking them within a couple of weeks the cigars should be okay as long as they are kept sealed in a cool dark place.
Preparation: The Por Larranaga are a hand rolled Cigar which require cutting before the Cigar can be enjoyed.