PerfecCase are a cigar enthusiasts dream, designed to preserve your cigars' freshness and flavor for extended periods. Crafted from PolyRIGIDiene, a unique material that repels moisture, PerfecCase eliminates the drying effect common with leather and wood cases. Additionally, a dedicated slot accommodates an 8-gram humidity pack, allowing for precise control over the moisture level within the case. Virtually airtight construction further safeguards your cigars, preventing any unwanted moisture loss and ensuring consistent humidity.
Built with a durable polymer, PerfecCase is both tough and compact, making it the perfect companion for travel or everyday use. Its design comfortably holds cigars up to a 61 ring gauge and 8 inches long, accommodating popular sizes like Churchills, Lanceros, and Double Coronas. PerfecCase goes beyond a simple cigar case, functioning as a portable humidor specifically designed to keep your favorite smokes in top condition.