The ultimate present for the discerning Cigar Smoker. One of the finest Cuban Cigars available on the market in a cedar lined tube and deluxe presentation case!
Partagas Cuban Cigars: Partagas cigars are one of the most desired cigar by most discerning cigar smokers. The unique, intense flavour and style of a Partagas never fails to satisfy and are still hand rolled in the iconic Partagas factory in the centre of Havana.
Partagas Serie P No.2 Cuban Cigar: The Partagas Serie P No.2 was introduced to the Habanaos range in 2005 and was the most anticipated launch since the erm...... well since something major was launched. You only have to read a handful of reviews to see the Serie P No.2 did not disappoint. If you are a love of full sized, full flavoured Cuban Cigars then this is the cigar for you. A full sized Torpedo with a wonderful spiciness, strong earthy and distinct peppery flavour.
Double Bladed Cigar Cutter: A double bladed EMS wolf cigar cutter is included in the gift set. A very sharp double blade ensures a neat cut every time and alone would retail at around £10.
Individually tubed: packaged in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Please note the Partagas Series P No.2 cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.