Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on our website for historical reference and interest.
Partagas Cuban Cigars: Partagas Cigars were established in Havana in the year 1845 making it one of the oldest Cigar brands in the world and remains one of the most desirable ranges in the Cuban portfolio. They are well renowned for their rich, full bodied and earthy flavours.
Partagas Presidentes Known as a Tacos in the factories of Cuba, These Double Figurado Vitolas are a very enjoyable smoke, They are an intense and powerful cigar that comes from the rich tobacco used in the Partagas range. At first light the wrapper and binder will be the dominant flavours which give a rich spiciness that opens up to deliver of bomb of rich and intense flavour. The flavour profile is typical of the Partagas range, from sweet spices to green pepper and hay, rich chocolate and coffee beans with a good balance between power, sweetness and pleasant acidity.
Loose boxed: The Partagas Presidentes are packaged loose in a Cedar Box The cigars are kept in our humidors until dispatch and preferably should be stored in a humidor as soon as you receive them. If you are planning on smoking them within a couple of weeks the cigars should be okay as long as they are kept in a cool dark place.
Preparation: Please note the Partagas Presidentes cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.