A single cellophane wrapped hand rolled Cigar!
Oliva Cigar Family: The Oliva family is one of the most well regarded and respected Cigar making families in the world. They produce some of the finest and most sort after Cigars in the world with more award-winning Cigars than we could ever dream of fitting on this page. Their roots stem back to 1886 when Melanio Oliva first grew Tobacco in Cuba and took great pride in growing the finest Tobacco possible. Over the years, he established a family tradition of quality that has echoed through the generations and has refused to enter the mass production out of pride to ensure that only the finest Cigars bear their family name. Every aspect of the process from sowing the seeds to the final rolling and even the manufacture of the boxes is done by the Oliva family in Esteli, Nicaragua to ensure they maintain full control over the quality. Patience is foremost, where other companies rush the curing process Oliva show great restraint to ensure their leaves are well cured and behold no bitter flavours.
Oliva Serie V Liga Especial (Natural)
The Oliva Serie V is a full-bodied Cigar that quite simply leaves the competition standing bemused in a cloud of smoke.
A wonderfully balanced complex blend of specially fermented Jalapa Valley Ligero filler bound with a superb Nicaraguan binder and finished off with a rich Habano Sun Grown leaf for one of the most characterful cigars that will land on your palate. This cigar is expertly blended in a way that only Oliva can to deliver full body taste while maintaining an unparalleled smoothness. This flavourful blend exhibits complex tobacco with rich coffee and dark chocolate tones with a subtle and well-balanced spice presence throughout.
Preparation: Please note the Oliva cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.