Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.
Montecristo Cigars Montecristo cigars are by far the most popular cigar in our humidors. The consistent high quality, unique tobacco blend and renowned complex flavours entice avid smokers back for a Montecristo time and time again.
The Montecristo Petit Number Two Torpedo Tubos has a wonderful, chocolate wrapper, it has an excellent construction and produces an ash that hardly ever falls. The draw is firm but produces a lot of smoke. The cigar starts off mild with a creamy, spicy taste it then progresses to a powerful woody and cedar flavour. This cigar is a very pleasant smoke which gives a lot of satisfaction. A really promising new smoke from Montecristo, and as the name suggests, the ideal alternative to their classic No.2, but on the shorter side. Smokes a little differently, being a little spicier and earthier, with not so much of a peppery finish. An interesting, unconventional beauty with very much a bittersweet note about it’s wrapper.
Loose singles: The Montecristo Petit No.2 are usually packaged loose, in boxes of 3’s 10’s and 25’s. We will mail a single cigar in a cardboard box surrounded by protective packaging. The cigar should be enjoyed within a few days or kept in a humidor to ensure its condition and the smoker’s enjoyment.
Preparation: Please note the Petit No.2 cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.