This was a limited edition gift set and is no longer available. As usual we have left the listing on our website for historical reference and interest.
One of the most popular Cuban Cigars presented in a beautiful magnetic presentation box with a metal Cigar Cutter! Wrap it up for Christmas and and watch old missery guts face change when he pulls out this instead of the Toblerone he was expecting!
Montecristo Cigars: Montecristo cigars are by far the most popular cigar in our humidors. The consistent high quality, unique tobacco blend and renowned complex flavours entice avid smokers back for a Montecristo time and time again.
Montecristo Petit Edmundo: The Montecristo Petit Edmundo are the same cigar as the Edmundo but in a more manageable format. The Petit Edmundo is a good looking cigar with quite an oily wrapper and when you hold it you just want to light. It has an excellent structure with a self correcting burn and excellent draw. The start of the cigar has flavours of spice, dark chocolate and dry cedar, once into the cigar the flavour blossoms with comparisons of sweet and bitter salty tastes. Then comes an exciting finish with a woody creaminess. This cigar is perfect after a heavy meal but must be smoked slowly to appreciate the real pleasure. The substantial ring gauge provides a full on intense smoke but the manageable size means it can be smoked when time is not of the essence. The ring guage may make this too heavy for an amateur smoker but provides a good introduction for a smoker wishing to try a more intense cigar without a big commitment.
Individually tubed: The Montecristo Tubos range of cigars are individually packaged in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube also helps preserve your cigar for up to a year without the use of a humidor meaning they are always ready for that special occasion that a cigar of this quality is designed to represent. They also make ideal presents as they do not need to be smoked immediately.
Preparation: Please note the Montecristo cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.