Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.
A highly regarded Montecristo Open Master presented in a beautiful magnetic presentation box with free cigar cutter!
Montecristo Open Cigars: Montecristo is the most popular Cuban Cigar brands enjoying worldwide recognition and respect for it’s full bodied flavour and legendary Cuban character. The Montecristo factory goes from strength to strength and is often chosen to produce the limited edition and special series Cigars for Habanos SA. In 2011 Montecristo released a new style Montecristo named “Open” which provides a lighter bodied smoke than the standard range
Storage The Montecristo Open Master come packaged in air tight Aluminium Tubes, which help protect the cigars delicate wrapper and retain the moisture in the cigar. The Cedar lining helps develop the flavour meaning your cigar can be ageing for a few years while you await that special occasion.
Preparation: The Montecristo Open are a premium hand rolled Cigar which require cutting before the Cigar can be enjoyed.