This case has now been discontinued, We have left the listing for historical reference and interest
An absolutely stunning Leather Cigar case containing three Montecristo Edmundo Cuban Cigars:
Montecristo Cigars: Montecristo cigars are by far the most popular cigar in our humidors. The consistent high quality, unique tobacco blend and renowned complex flavours entice avid smokers back for a Montecristo time and time again.
Montecristo Edmundo Cuban Cigars: The Montecristo Edmundo was introduced in 2004 to answer the demands of new smokers trends. Smokers have gradually swayed towards the Robustos size, which was missing from the Montecristo line up. This provides a more intense, fulfilling smoke with a shorter burn time compared to a cigar with similar tobacco content. The Edmundo has an easy draw so smoke slowly to avoid the smoke being too hot. The cigar has a spicy-salty flavour and leaves a pleasant saltiness on the palate. The cigar is well constructed and has a nice wrapper. This is the petit Edmundos big brother, it beholds all the same qualities but provides enjoyment for longer. It requires some commitment so would only be recommended for experienced smokers.
Leather Presentation Case: The Montecristo Edmundo have been selected for this special 2016 presentation gift set. As you would expect for such a prestigious Cigar the Case has been crafted from a very high quality grade of leather and has been finished to the highest of standards. It is thick and sturdy and should last a lifetime! The Leather Case is not sealed so if you are planning on storing the Cigars for more than a couple of evenings we would recommend storing the Cigars in a humidor.
Preparation: Please note the Montecristo Cuban cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.
Award winning Cigar:
The Montecristo Edmundo was awarded the prestigious 6th place in the annual Cigar Journal awards 2014.
These awards are not handed out lightly and are run by an independent panel who select the Cigars that have been highly rated by consumers over the year. They then purchase a selection from local Cigar specialists before blind testing and rating the cigars for consistency, quality and character. Any Cigar in the top 25 is the creme de la creme of the Cigar world and a must try.