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McConnell Black Cavendish (Blending Pipe Tobacco)

** This product is not currently available. **
  • Loose Packaged to order
  • Blending Tobacco
  • Pipe Tobacco

The McConnells Black Cavendish is a mild yet aromatic tobacco blend produced from a large leafed variety of tobacco found in Carolina, which is renowned for its rich aromatic character. Cavendish is tobacco that has been heat treated with fire or steam which is then subjected to heavy pressure in order to produce a sweet rich but mild tobacco with hints of licorice chocolate and vanilla.

Blending Tobacco 90% of tobacco blends you buy from your favourite tobacconist have been expertly blended by tobacco blenders with decades of expertise under their belts using core base leaves and often a casing (flavouring) of some description. In your search for "THE PERFECT BLEND" you will find some tobacco's that get close but just need that bit of character, that bit of ooomph or the burn rate just needs adjusting to suit your palate. That's were blending tobacco's come in. Whether you want to adjust the character of a pre bought blend or start from scratch for the ultimate bespoke tobacco this is the place to start.

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