These cigars are now discontinued, we have left the listing for historical reference and interest
A branded cedar box containing 10 individually wrapped cigars)
Charatan Cigars: A superb quality Cigar brand produced by British American Tobacco specifically aimed at the UK Cigar market to suit British tastes. Unfortunately, the UK Cigar market is heavily affected by taxation which means UK smokers desire a quality hand-rolled Cigar without the hefty price tag. Charatan is an excellent quality Cigar that boasts unrivalled value for money and actions speak louder than words. It is the No.1 hand-rolled New World Cigar brand in the UK.
The Colina is a limited edition cigar created to celebrate the change in brand ownership. Manufactured exclusively by Tor Imports for the UK market with a unique blend of Nicaraguan and Indonesian tobacco. The Colina cigars have an extremely special blend including a selection of filler leaves from Jalapa Valley and Esteli which have been aged for up to 4 years. Sweet but spicy malt upon lighting which mellows into a creamy coffee finish.
Loose boxed single Cigar: The Charatan Cigars are normally packaged loose in boxes of 25’s. We will mail a single cigar in a cardboard sleeve surrounded by protective packaging. The cigar should be enjoyed within a few days or kept in a humidor to ensure its condition and enjoyment.
Preparation: Please note the Charatan Cigars are premium hand-rolled cigars and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.