La Aurora Cigars La Aurora Cigars are made in the Tabacalera La Aurora factory which is the oldest and most established cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. They have been expertly blending and rolling cigars since 1903 with unrivalled expertise.
Leon Jimenes Caribbean The Caribbean is a sweet Rum flavoured cigar, hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic at the La Aurora factory. Made using the smooth and creamy tobacco the Dominican has been renowned for, these Tres Petit Coronas tick all the right boxes. The use of Connecticut shade wrapper adds a little body to the cigar with the all-natural Rum flavours taking centre stage.
Cellophane Wrapped Cigars The Leon Jimenes cigars come individually wrapped. The cigars will stay fresh and ready to smoke for a while without the use of a humidor if kept in a cool dark place. If storing for longer than a week a humidor would be recommended.
Preperation Please note the Leon Jimenes Caribbean are a premium hand-rolled cigar and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed