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**DISCONTINUED** Kendal North Star Shag Smoking Tobacco (Pre-Pack 50g Pouch)

** This product is not currently available. **

Unfortunately, this tobacco is no longer available. We have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.

  • Medium Strength
  • 50g Sealed Pouch
  • Coarse Cut
  • Slow Burning

BUY BRITISH The Kendal Shag Tobacco is made in the heart of the lake district in the true British spirit. The finest tobacco leaves are sourced from the finest tobacco producing nations before being blended and prepared in the Kendal Tobacco factory.

Kendal North Star The Kendal North Star Tobacco Blend is a high quality shag tobacco manufactured in the UK from a blend of high quality Virgina and Burley tobacco's without any added flavourings for a pure tobacco taste. This tobacco appeals to smokers who appreciate a little extra tobacco flavour without the overpowering strength of the dark tobacco's. All of the tobacco's in the Kendal Shag Tobacco range are very clean, containing very little of the stem and produce a very natural flavour without the chemical harshness present in many modern tobaccos.

Shag Tobacco: Due to some hand rolling smokers using shag tobacco for hand rolling purposes, HMRC have taken action to stop this abuse of the tobacco taxation. HMRC have defined that any tobacco where the strands are less than 1.5mm will be taxed as a Hand Rolling tobacco. All shag tobacco produced as of January 2011 will be cut above 1.5mm. This is a pipe tobacco and is taxed accordingly. It is a criminal offence to use shag tobacco for hand rolling and we do not endorse this.

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