Due to slow sales we have taken the decision to discontinue these cigars. As always we are happy to re-stock them if you would like them on a regular basis
Why buy these cigars?? Erm well if it came down to our personal morals we wouldn't buy it and we had planned never to support the global tobacco giants that have done as much as possible to fill their pockets with little regard for the people that grow their crops, the independent retailer or their customers welfare. Over the years they've bought cheap, increased retail prices and reduced the quality but that doesn't mean it's not the right tobacco for anyone. Thousands of smokers enjoy their products and with the supermarkets gradually withdrawing from the tobacco trade we don't want to there to be an abundance of mourning smokers so we've decided to offer these products for mail order.
Description The Calisto Miniature cigars are a new cigar for 2011 released to satisfy the demand for a small in between cigar, which is appealing to the modern cigar smoker who has little time and is generally forced to smoke outside. They are produced using Brazilian, Java and Cuban tobacco for a fairly complex smoke in a cigar of it's size.
Calisto cigars do not require cutting and can be enjoyed straight out of the box.