Unfortunately, this tobacco is no longer available. We have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.
Davidoff In its products the Davidoff brand unites craftsmanship, dedication and understanding. Knowledge of tradition linked to innovation and a sense of elegant functionality is the key for the success of the Davidoff products. They are created with both care and a great love of detail.
Davidoff Danish Mixture Davidoff Danish Mixture is an understated aromatic with emphasis on superb Virginia Cavendish and burley flavours. The light room note of Figs, Honey, Maple and walnut serves merely to heighten the smoking experience. And to draw approving comments from bystanders.
One may smoke this repeatedly without fatigue or loss of interest. Though Virginia leaf predominates, the skillful addition of burley (and presumably oriental) lends perfect roundness and spice. The tiny amount of black cavendish is barely noticeable, but perhaps responsible for its bewitching aroma.