Cusano Cigars Cusano began life in the early 19th century when the Cusano family laid the foundations of the company in the heart of Italy, a land known for it's appreciation of fine artistry. The company moved to The Dominican Republic in the 1990's and quickly gained recognition for their meticulous aging process, creating cigars that exude an exquisite symphony of flavors. From the initial spark to the last satisfying draw, each Cusano cigar promises an experience that transcends the ordinary. Over the years, Cusano has continued to push the boundaries of cigar craftsmanship. Their portfolio boasts a diverse range of cigars, from the classic Cusano Dominican and Cusano Nicaragua to the innovative Cusano 18 Paired Maduro, offering aficionados a plethora of choices to explore and enjoy.
Cusano Nicaraguan Corona The carefully selected Nicaraguan tobaccos in this blend are a testament to the region's fertile soil and ideal climate. Each leaf is nurtured to perfection, promising a smoking experience that is both intense and nuanced. The Cusano Nicaraguan Corona is the embodiment of balance, marrying the strength of Nicaraguan tobacco with the finesse of Cusano's craftsmanship. Hand rolled using a dark and oily San Andreas wrapper, as you ignite this cigar, you'll be greeted with a rich and spicy character that gradually unfolds into a symphony of flavors, including notes of earth, cedar, and a hint of sweetness. It's more than a cigar; it's a tribute to the land, the people, and the passion that go into creating this exceptional smoke.
Please note the Cusano cigars are a hand rolled Cigar and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.