Cohiba Linea Classica: The usual selection of the finest hand selected leaves are reserved for the Siglo series as the Linea Classica but they haven't been allowed to develop as much making them an easier going cigar. This means us general, premium cigar smokers can enjoy the premium quality of a Cohiba rather than just the heavy smoking, Cuban diplomats they were originally designed for.
Cohiba Siglo IVCigars: The Cohiba Siglo IV cigar is a creamy, nutty smoke with a hint of chocolate and coffee. It is well constructed and has a perfect creamy draw and burn. Treat this cigar with care and smoke slowly for real enjoyment. It comes highly recommended as a perfect accompaniment to a good Cognac. The VI is a mid sized cigar so will be enjoyed by any smoker who is comfortable with premium cigars. If you are looking for an introduction to premium cigars you may still wish to consider a smaller cigar initially.
Individually tubed: This Cigar is supplied in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Please note the Cohiba Siglo IV cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.