Unfortunately, these cigars are no longer available. We have left the listing on our website for historical reference and interest.
Cohiba Linea Classica: The usual selection of the finest hand selected leaves are reserved for the Siglo series as the Linea Classica but they haven't been allowed to develop as much making them an easier going cigar. This means us general, premium cigar smokers can enjoy the premium quality of a Cohiba rather than just the heavy smoking, Cuban diplomats they were originally designed for.
Cohiba Siglo Cigar Gift Box: A beautiful presentation box which slides open to reveal four tubed Cohiba Cigars which are by far the most desired brand of Cigars from the Cuban range if not the world! This gift set contains: 2 x Siglo I (Length: 102mm, Ring Gauge: 40) 2 x Siglo II (Length: 129mm, Ring Gauge: 42)
Neither of these Cigar sizes are overly large so Cigar smokers of any level will enjoy and appreciate these fine Cigars without being overpowered.
Individually tubed: This Cigars are supplied in a cedar lined Aluminium tubes. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Please note the Cohiba Siglo cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.