These cigars has now been discontinued, we have left the listing here for historical reference and interest
An absolutely stunning Black and Yellow Leather Cigar case containing three limited edition Cohiba Piramides Extra 2012 Cuban Cigars:
Cohiba Linea Classica Cigars: FIDEL CASTROS SPECIAL RESERVE! The Linea Classica range provides a very smooth, medium to full strength smoke, bursting with typically complex, Cuban flavours. The very finest, hand selected, Cuban leaves are reserved specifically for the Cohiba production line and guarantee an exciting, complex and perfect smoke. The Cohiba cigars are by far the most recognisable and sought after cigars and even a glimpse of the Yellow and Black band will excite any educated cigar smoker.
Cohiba Piramides Extra Cigars: The Cohiba Piramides Extra is a medium to full strength Cigar aimed at the more experienced Cigar enthusiast. These are limited edition Cigars rolled using the very finest leaves from the tobacco plantations of San Juan y Martinez and San Luis, in the region of Vuelta Abajo in the province of Pinar del Río in Cuba. Four variations of the tobacco leaves are used in this range with three of them undergoing a special fermentation process in aged casks which provide unrivaled flavour and complexity.
Leather Presentation Case: The Cohiba Piramides have been selected for this special 2016 presentation gift set. As you would expect for such a prestigious Cigar the Case has been crafted from a very high quality grade of leather and has been finished to the highest of standards. It is thick and sturdy and should last a lifetime! The Leather Case is not sealed so if you are planning on storing the Cigars for more than a couple of evenings we would recommend storing the Cigars in a humidor.
Preparation: Please note the Cohiba Cuban cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.