These were a limited edition cigar and are no longer available. As usual we have left the listing on our website for historical reference and interest.
Cohiba Collection 4: Every year Cohiba produce a limited edition collection of their machine rolled Cigars. The collection 4 sees one of the most striking designed tins we have seen in the series and is a welcome line to our shelves for 2014. The tin beholds 10 of the ever popular Cohiba Cigars.
Cohiba Club: Cuban Club cigars make a great introduction to Cuban cigars or are often used for a quick smoke when there isn't the time to commit to a full size Cigar. They offer more flavour than other cigars of the same size as they are made from the same Cuban tobacco leaves as the larger hand rolled Havana's. All Cuban Miniature cigars are made from 100% un-processed tobacco leaf and you will not experience any chemical tastes as found in a cigarettes or cheaper mass produced cigars. All you will taste in a Cuban Club is Tobacco.
The Cohiba Club are slightly larger than the miniatures, to give roughly double the smoking time. In the pack there are ten excellent, sweet, mini cigars expertly made from 100% fine Cubano leaf. Easy draw, lovely aroma and taste.
No cutter is required for the Cohiba Clubs