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Charles Rattray's Hal O' The Wynd Pipe Tobacco (50g Tin)

** This product is not currently available. **
  • 50g Tin
  • Ready Rubbed
  • Pipe Tobacco

Hal O' The Wynd One of Charles Rattrays most popular blends. The Rattray's Hal O' The Wynd is like a mischievous breeze that sweeps through your senses, leaving behind a trail of delightful flavours and a wink from the cheeky Scottish highlands. A full-strength, ready rubbed blend of earthy Kentucky, citrus Virginia and just a pinch of Perique to add a little peppery tang to give a flavour profile like a bagpipe orchestra playing a symphony of smoky goodness, with notes of oak-aged whiskey, a hint of heather sweetness, and a touch of magical mystery. A full-bodied Virginia tobacco with a slight sweetness and extremely pleasant smoking characteristics. The name comes from that of the armoured in the novel "The Fair Maid of Perth" - a man who had "a most unusual share of strength"

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