A box of 4 tubed hand rolled Cigar.
Camacho Cigars: Camacho Cigars were founded in 1961 by Simon Camacho and specialises in authentic handmade Cuban seed Cigars. Simon Camacho was exiled from Cuba in 1961 and instantly began using his Cuban heritage to produce Cigars in Miami. It wasn’t long before his talents were embraced by the American Cigar enthusiasts closely followed by the man himself Winston Churchill.
Distinguished, yet affordable smokes are at the core of the Camacho portfolio, offering a wide range of intense flavours to discover. Every cigar in this series is elevated by the bold, smooth flavour of the legendary original Corojo leaf. A one-of-a-kind tobacco that began in Cuba and lives on in Camacho… and only in Camacho.
Camacho Ecuador: The Camacho Ecuador brings a unique Havana seed Ecuador Habano wrapper grown in the nitrogen rich soils amongst the Andes mountains where tobacco has been grown for thousands of years and pairs it with a rich and earthy Brazilian Mata Fina binder and Dominican Pelo de Oro ligero filler. This cigar delivers a wide range of intense flavours. From the initial blast of pepper to the hints of floral citrus throughout.
Individually Tubed The Camacho Tubos range of cigars are individually packaged in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. As well as being decorative the Cedar lining gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Preparation: Please note the Camacho Cigars are premium hand rolled cigars and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.