A Branded Box Containing 3 Hand Rolled Nicaraguan Cigars in Cedar lined Tubes
Bossner Cigars Bossner Cigars are a relative newcomer to the industry having been started in 1993 in Berlin. In just a short period of time their luxury cigars, hand rolled in factories of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic became some of their best selling lines. Aiming for perfection in every product, the quality of these cigars are reflected in the design and aesthetic of the packaging. Only the most beautiful wrappers from Brazil and Sumatra, from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Nicaragua selected: from the Connecticut wrapper to the elegant shiny and very valuable wrappers from Ecuador, the Colorado Maduro.
Bossner Martin 20th Anniversary The Bossner Martin 20th Anniversary is a special edition cigar created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bossner trademark. This premium cigar is made from filler and binder from Nicaragua covered by a Habano wrapper from Ecuador, which gives the cigar its full bodied flavour that still manages a pleasantly soft and mild smoking experience with toasty chocolate notes and a creamy finish.
Individually tubed The Bossner Martin are individually packaged in a premium, cedar lined aluminium tube, that just ooze quality. The packs of three cigars are then gift boxed in a matching embossed gift box. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube also helps preserve your cigar for up to a year without the use of a humidor meaning they are always ready for that special occasion that a cigar of this quality is designed to represent.
Preparation: Please note the Bossner cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.