This cigar is no longer available in boxes of 3, we have left the listing on here for historical reference and interest.
A Branded gift box containing 3 individually tubed Bolivar Tubos No.1 Cuban cigars!
Bolivar Cigars are a full strength Cigar, which appeal to experienced, committed Cigar smokers. They provide a very rich, complex and intense smoke thus the reason they were named after a warrior.
The Bolivar Tubos No.1 is a deeply complex, full strength, Cuban cigar with much spice and earthy back tones. Its heavy aroma, creamy texture and extremely good construction makes it a pleasure to smoke. Being a Full strength fairly large cigar we would not recommend these cigars for the novice smoker. They will suit an experienced smoker or an intermediate smoker looking for a deeper smoke. If you are sampling one for the first time we would recommend sitting down to enjoy this cigar.
Individually tubed: The Bolivar Tubos range of cigars are individually packaged in a cedar lined Aluminium tube. Here we have an embossed gift box containing 3 individually tubed Cigars. As well as being decorative the Cedar lined tube gives the cigar that added flavour and depth whilst the tube keeps the cigar fresh and ready to smoke for many months.
Please note the Bolivar cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.