Trimming the end of a premium cigar can be done in various ways, significantly impacting its smoking character. However, improper trimming can result in an uneven smoke and even unraveling of the cigar.
The primary objective is to create a passageway in the cigar’s end cap without damaging the meticulously rolled filler or the outer leaf. The Angelo Cigar Punch is crafted from high-quality, sharp steel and its compact size makes it ideal for cigar enthusiasts on the go. Unlike the average Chub key, these handy punches are smaller and feature a retractable blade that protects the ground edge and prevents accidental damage to your pockets.
To use the punch, simply press the button on the side, which activates the cutting edge. The cutting edge then locks out and is firmly pressed into the end cap while rotating to carefully cut a precise hole without crushing the filler leaves.