< Quorum Cigars

Quorum Hand Rolled Nicaraguan Cigars (Shade)

Quorum Shade cigars are a mild and smooth option in the Quorum lineup, ideal for smokers who appreciate a lighter, more nuanced flavor. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, these cigars feature a blend of aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos wrapped in a silky, golden Connecticut Shade wrapper, resulting in a mellow yet flavorful smoking experience. The profile of Quorum Shade includes notes of cream, toasted nuts, and a hint of sweetness, with a gentle touch of spice that keeps the smoke interesting without being overpowering. Known for their consistent construction, even burn, and easy draw, these cigars are perfect for those seeking an enjoyable, everyday smoke. Whether you’re new to cigars or simply prefer a milder option, Quorum Shade offers a refined taste of Nicaraguan craftsmanship at an accessible price.