< Quorum Cigars

Quorum Hand Rolled Nicaraguan Cigars (Classic)

Quorum Classic cigars are well-loved for their smooth flavor and outstanding value, making them an ideal everyday smoke. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, these cigars feature a blend of high-quality Nicaraguan filler tobaccos wrapped in an Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper, offering a medium-bodied profile that is both rich and approachable. The flavor profile is characterized by notes of earth, cedar, and a touch of nuttiness, with a subtle spice that adds complexity without overpowering the palate. Despite their affordable price, Quorum Classic cigars are constructed with care to ensure a consistent draw and an even burn throughout the smoke. Perfect for both newcomers and seasoned smokers seeking a reliable, enjoyable cigar, Quorum Classic delivers a taste of Nicaragua’s renowned tobacco tradition in every puff.