< Oliva Cigars

Oliva Serie G Natural

Oliva Serie G Natural cigars are a refined and well-crafted blend, highlighting the classic flavors of premium African Cameroon wrappers paired with expertly aged Nicaraguan Habano fillers. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, these cigars offer a medium-bodied profile, providing a balanced smoke with notes of cedar, toasted nuts, earth, and a hint of natural sweetness from the Cameroon wrapper. The smooth, rounded flavors are complemented by a touch of spice that adds depth without overpowering the palate. With their box-pressed shape, Serie G Natural cigars ensure an even burn and a comfortable draw, making for an enjoyable smoking experience. Perfect for both newcomers and seasoned smokers, the Oliva Serie G Natural showcases the brand’s commitment to quality and the rich complexity of Nicaraguan and Cameroon tobaccos.